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토니 바렛 웹챗: 리버풀 위기에 대해

by wannabe풍류객 2010. 1. 15.
어젯밤 리버풀 에코 출신의 더 타임스 기자 토니 바렛이 채팅을 통해 FA컵 3라운드에서 레딩에게 패하고, 주전 선수들의 부상에 시달리며 위기에 처한 리버풀의 상황에 대해 설명했다. 

형편없는 플레이가 이어지는데, 라파가 선수들에 대한 통제력을 잃은 건가요? 
by Phil at 21:57

어젯밤 이후 많은 사람들이 그 질문을 하고 있어요. 리버풀이 그토록 못 하고 아주 분명히 열정도 부족하니까 그런 질문은 당연히 나올 수 있겠지요. 저는 언제나 감독이 대기실을 통제하지 못하는 상황에 대해 의문을 품고 있어요. 어떤 때는 인기가 있고 또 어떤 때는 그렇지 않죠. 분명히 결과가 기대한대로 나오지 않으면 선수들은 그 이유를 찾으려고 하고, 대기실에서 몇몇 선수가 1, 2년 전 모든 게 훨씬 잘 풀릴 때 만큼 감독에 대한 신뢰를 갖지 못한다고 해도 놀랄 일은 아니죠.
by Tony Barrett at 22:00

저는 라파가 이 난관을 헤쳐나갈 것이라고 믿어요. 제 생각에는 무엇보다도 이 클럽을 불안하게 하는 것은 구단주들을 둘러싼 논란인 것 같아요
by Tom at 22:01

감독에 대한 믿음이 대단하군요. 오늘 TV에서 한 저널리스트가 다른 클럽이었다면 어제와 같은 성적을 냈으면 벌써 감독에 대한 항의가 있을 것이라고 했는데 저도 꽤 맞는 말이라고 봐요. 구단주들이 클럽을 불안하게 하고 있다는 의견은 많은 장점이 있어요. 1970년대와 80년대에 모두가 리버풀의 성공의 비밀이 무엇인지 알고 싶어했는데, 답은 아주 간단해요. 경기장 밖에서도 클럽은 잘 운영되었고 이것이 성공과 맞물렸죠. 지금 경기장 밖은 너무 오래 아수라장이었고 이것이 경기장 안의 경기까지 영향을 끼치는 것은 시간 문제일 뿐이에요. 그렇지만 이것이 라파 베니테스가 져야 할 책임을 없애주지는 않습니다.
by Tony Barrett at 22:04

토레스의 미래는 어떨까요?
by Philyio at 22:05

페르난도 토레스에 대한 많은 추측들이 있는데 그는 여러 면에서 독특한 사람이에요. 그는 최근 만약 리버풀이 4위 안에 들지 못하면 어떻게 할 것이냐는 질문을 여러 번 받았는데, 그는 간단하게 "저는 팀에 남아서 다시 4위 안으로 들어가도록 도울 거에요"라고 말했어요. 그것이 그를 요약적으로 말해주지만 클럽은 그런 충성심을 당연하게 받아들여서는 안됩니다. 토레스는 성공을 원하고 그럴 자격이 있으니까요. 
by Tony Barrett at 22:07

리버풀에 새로운 스카우팅 체계가 필요한가요? 이 모든 뛰어난 발견들은 그다지 좋지 않은 것으로 드러났고, 성공한 선수들은 우리가 다 들어본 경우들이잖아요. 
by Robin at 22:08

맞아요. 지난 두 시즌 동안 이적 시장에서 리버풀의 영입은 형편없었죠. 도세나, 데겐, 리에라, 킨 그리고 보로닌은 리그 우승을 노리는 팀에 적합하지 않아요. 그리고 아퀼라니와 글렌 존슨의 경우도 지켜봐야죠. 만약 데려온 선수들의 수준이 모자란다면 스카우트 담당자와 궁극적으로 감독까지 월급을 받으면 안 되죠. 그렇지만 리버풀이 충분한 이적 자금이 있었다면 선수 영입이 훨씬 쉬웠을 거에요. 왜냐하면 여태까지 베니테스는 수없이 많이 그의 두번째 심지어 세번째 옵션의 선수들을 사야만 했거든요. 예를 들어 누구도 잠깐이나마 라파가 최우선으로 키르기아코스를 데려오려했다고 믿지는 않을 거라고 생각해요. 하지만 그 선수를 살 정도의 돈 밖에 없었던 거에요. 
by Tony Barrett edited by TimesSport at 22:14

리버풀에 더 많은 잉글랜드/영국 선수들이 필요할까요? 외국의 스타들은 졌도 별로 상관하지 않는 것 같고 팬들을 이해하는 것 같지도 않아요. 
by Kay, London at 22:12

글렌 존슨의 경우에서 분명히 드러나듯이 대륙의 선수보다 훨씬 많은 돈을 줘야 잉글랜드 선수를 살 수 있으니 문제죠. 하지만 좋은 지적이에요. 만약 리버풀이 여름에 리 캐터몰을 샀다면 더 혜택을 봤을 수도 있으니까요. 욕망, 결단력 그리고 승리를 향한 격렬한 의지를 가진 선수. 이번 시즌 안필드에서 그다지 많이 볼 수 없는 자질들이죠.
by Tony Barrett edited by Tony Barrett at 22:14

리버풀이 로비 킨을 데리고 있었어야 한다고 생각해요?
by al at 22:15

저는 리버풀이 킨 근처에도 가지 말았어야 한다고 생각해요. 그는 리버풀에 걸맞는 선수가 아니었고 토트넘에서 영입한 돈의 대부분을 돌려받은 건 잘한 일이에요. 저는 그가 스퍼스에서 부진한 것을 보고 놀랄 사람이 별로 없을 것 같은데요. 
by Tony Barrett edited by TimesSport at 22:17

리버풀이 베니테스를 해고할 돈이 있나요 ?
by Miles at 22:17

리버풀이 베니테스를 해임할 자금을 가지고 있다면 깜작 놀라죠. 그들은 매년 부채를 되갚는 것도 버거워하고 있고, 라이언 바벨을 판다면 얻을 수 있는 자금과 별개로 이번 달에 영입 자금이 없어요. 그러므로 베니테스를 해임하고 지불할 돈이 있을 가능성은 별로 없습니다. 힉스와 질렛이 자기들 돈을 가지고 지불할 수 있다고 가정할 수 있지만 저는 그런 일이 일어날 것 같지 않네요. 
by Tony Barrett at 22:19

어린 파체코, 아무, 에클스턴 같은 유스 선수들에게 더 많은 기회를 줘야 한다고 생각하나요? 제가 보기에 우리는 지난 세 시즌 동안 같은 18명의 선수를 갖고 있었고 카이트 같은 선수는 한 시즌에 50 경기 이상 뛰면서 체력이 바닥난 것 같아요. 유스 선수들이 우리에게 부족한 열정과 에너지를 가지고 있을 지도 모르는데....
by Cath at 22:20

분명히 그래요. 베니테스는 언제나 어린 선수들을 투입하는 걸 꺼렸어요. 아마 기대와 압력이 아주 높은 리버풀 같은 클럽에서 그러기가 어려웠기 때문인지 몰라요. 그러나 파체코나 아무 같은 선수에게 기회를 줄 때가 되었어요. 심지어 그들의 열정이 선수단의 사기를 높여줄 지도 몰라요.
by Tony Barrett at 22:21

덕 카이트 정말 형편없어요. 논의해보죠
by Phil_1984 at 22:21

당신의 평가가 이번 시즌에는 정당할 수도 있겠어뇨. 제가 볼 때 카이트는 자신감과 에너지를 완전히 잃어버렸어요. 그가 최근 몇 시즌 동안 보여준 모든 작업과 달리기는 끝난 것 같아요.  A spell on the sidelines would do him the world of good, though.
by Tony Barrett at 22:23

정치적 환경이 어느 정도로 선수들에게 영향을 끼친다고 생각하나요? and do you think the minimal investment - in comparison to a second place finish and the amount we made in sales - knocked the proverbial wind out of our player's sales before a ball had been kicked this season?
by Dave at 22:23

That's a good theory Dave. Players know when a club is on the up, they're not stupid. For me, Liverpool are suffering from "Atletico Madrid syndrome" in that the players suffer badly from a lack of incentive when they know they can't win the title but still have to carry the burden of the expectation that they should be there or at least thereabouts. I would imagine that when some of the top players look around the dressing room they just know they can't challenge.
by Tony Barrett at 22:26

Benitez’s job is to coach the players, motivate them, pick the team and dictate tactics for each game, including changes to approach mid game if necessary. Would you say our current position (some would say demise) is down to him, the players or the owners?
by Brian at 22:26

All of them, Brian. When Liverpool won the Champions League it was a collective success, not an individual one for Benitez or anyone else. Even if the players didn't like Benitez and I'm not saying they don't, they still have a duty to perform for their club, for each other, for their supporters and to justify their salaries. Some clearly aren't doing that this season.
by Tony Barrett at 22:28

hi tony, who do you think liverpool needs to sign most?
by Sean at 22:30

Hello Sean, a left back would be my choice. It looks to me that opponents are now targeting this position because they feel it is Liverpool's weak point. The sight of Emiliano Insua being nutmegged in the build up to Reading's winning goal won't have done anything to disabuse people of this theory.
by Tony Barrett at 22:31

With reference to the previous comment regarding the youth team, if funds are so tight why are we trying to buy Chamakh for what will basically cost liverpool £25million when he isn't even proven. A striker who has a goal ratio of 1:4 simply isn't good enough for liverpool, pacheco will do a much better job and will show the real liverpool spirit
by mike_lfc at 22:31

Hello Mike, Chamakh's goalscoring record in France isn't that impressive but he is a good player who a lot of Europe's top clubs are chasing. Liverpool are clearly favourites to sign him though and he won't cost anything like the £25m figure that's been mentioned elsewhere.
by Tony Barrett edited by TimesSport at 22:33

Why is it so sacrilegious to criticise Jamie Carragher? He's been woefully off form for quite a while now.
by bob at 22:32

It's not sacreligious to criticise any player. If they play well you have to say it and if they play badly you have to say it as well. Carragher has more than earned the right to be cut a little bit of slack even if his performance levels do drop a little, though. For me he has been one of Liverpool's best players of the past decade. It is natural, though, that as the years creep up he won't be able to hit the heights as often as he did in the past. He's still Liverpool's best out and out defender by some distance, though.
by Tony Barrett at 22:35

Do you not think Chamakh will opt to go to Arsenal instead?
by Jac at 22:36

I can't see that happening Jac. I've been reliably informed that Chamakh is a man of impeccable taste.
by Tony Barrett at 22:37

hi tony. you mentioned a few players like voronin and riera who are not good enough, but what about lucas? he's honestly not good enough to play in the premier league, yet he has played every game for liverpool this season!!! is that not outrageous??
by charles at 22:37

Not since Luis Garcia have Liverpool had a player who divides opinion like Lucas. As far as I'm concerned, he's an honest, dedicated professional who gives his all in every single game and who has been improving this season. I don't see him as a first team regular, though, his role should probably be as a squad player.
by Tony Barrett at 22:38

I saw Christian Purslow, Liverpool Managing Director, say that investment in the club is likely to be forthcoming soon. Do you share his optimism?
by Coops at 22:39

I know for a fact that Christian Purslow is working incredibly hard to secure investment. His big problem is that he's basically inviting people to join the most dysfunctional family since the Simpsons. It's got to be a hard sell asking people to come on board with Hicks and Gillett.
by Tony Barrett at 22:40

Do you think Liverpool will make the top 4 this season?
by Ady Pearson at 22:40

Hello Ady, I wouldn't use your money to bet on it. They'll do well to stay in the top six.
by Tony Barrett at 22:41

What do you think Maxi Rodriguez will bring to the team?
by Seb at 22:41

Hello Seb, industry and technique is the short answer. Maxi isn't a typical winger, he lacks pace and doesn't really engage full backs but he is excellent on the ball and has an intelligence which will improve the team.
by Tony Barrett at 22:42

Do you think that one of the reasons we are doing so bad is because we sold alonso?
by Jason at 22:43

It certainly hasn't helped that's for sure. Alonso was a key player for Liverpool and his presence in the side has been sorely missed.
by Tony Barrett at 22:44

do you think aqualini will prove to be a good signing?
by Mat at 22:44

Hate to be pessimistic but I just don't see it Mat. Aquilani has been held back by injuries throughouthis career and you have to wonder whether he is cut out for the physical side of English football.
by Tony Barrett at 22:46

Hi Tony, how can Rafa lift the teams spirits after this defeat?
by Paul at 22:46

Hello Paul, lifting the team's spirits is going to be a massive challenge for Benitez. Last time Liverpool were knocked out of the FA Cup by a lower division team they faced Inter Milan three days later so motivation took care of itself. This time around it's Stoke.................
by Tony Barrett at 22:47

was there a bust up between gerrard and benitez last night
by abdou at 22:47

Hello Abdou, there was no bust up. Gerrard felt a problem in his hamstring and so went off.
by Tony Barrett at 22:48

tony - if you was the liverpool manager what would you be doing different
by BHB at 22:48

Hello BHB, strange name that but somehow familiar. If I was Liverpool manager the team would probably be in the Unibond Premier by now. Leave management to the experts.
by Tony Barrett at 22:49

is it other teams getting better, or liverpool just getting worse?
by Joe at 22:49

Liverpool have definitely gone backwards this season Joe.
by Tony Barrett at 22:49

Can you enlighten us on the potential new investors Purslow keeps promising us?
by Barnes at 22:49

The club are playing their cards close to their chest on investment Barnes and quite rightly so I suppose.
by Tony Barrett at 22:50

HI Tony, would you sack benitez?
by DEREK at 22:50

Hello Derek, I don't see what sacking Benitez would achieve while the owners are only able to offer any new manager no real transfer budget and uncertainty in the boardroom.
by Tony Barrett at 22:51

How can Chamakh be costing 12milllion if he is out of contract in June?
by Ian at 22:52

He won't cost anything like that much Ian.
by Tony Barrett at 22:52

Hi Tony, What do you think of the idea that there is no one of the caibre required to replace Benitez currently available?
by julian at 22:52

There are plenty of great managers about Julian, the question is how many of them would be desperate to work for Liverpool in their current state?
by Tony Barrett at 22:53

Tony - if you had one message for liverpool fans what would it be?
by L12 at 22:55

Not to lose sight of the club that Liverpool was and can still be again. And not to lose sight of the damage that is being done to the club by the current owners.
by Tony Barrett at 22:56

Do you know anything about the rumour that "senior players" were angry that Darby was dropped from the squad?
by Chiz at 22:56

I haven't heard that Chiz but I do know that Stephen Darby is a popular figure with the senior players.
by Tony Barrett at 22:57

do you think most of the press dislike benitez and some questions they ask show massive disrespect. They seem to be thriving on it and will only be happy when they've forced him out.
by zappa at 22:57

In some cases that is undeniably true Zappa.
by Tony Barrett at 22:57

Mourinho or Hiddink?
by Emanuel at 22:58

I'm a big fan of Mourinho. Seven years without losing a single home game is an unbelievable record.
by Tony Barrett at 22:59

Any chance of a trial at Liverpool?
by kopite19 at 22:59

I've heard you could teach the players and the manager a thing or two Kopite 19. That Crosby League is some breeding ground of talent.
by Tony Barrett at 23:00

Which would you pick - Americans to stay and Rafa to continue or new owners and new manager?
by Kopash at 23:01

Almost anything that involves the departure of owners who have done nothing but fail the club would have to be viewed as a positive step forward for the club.
by Tony Barrett at 23:03

Only half answered Kopash q there Tony?????
by Ian at 23:04

Cowardice is a terrible thing! Plus I really don't believe journalists should call for managers heads. That's just a personal view but I don't see what journalists know that supporters don't. Those who pay for admission every week should always have the loudest say.
by Tony Barrett at 23:06

Why does'nt David Moores speak out?
by Emanuel at 23:06

That's a great question Emanuel and the answer is I don't know but it is high time that he did.
by Tony Barrett at 23:06
